Reseller Hosting is a mainstream decision for engineers and industry experts who run or exchange numerous sites. Effectively make another cPanel login for every client or site. Isolating your locales keeps your sites safer. At the point when a site has an issue like an endeavor, security imperfection, or traffic spike your different sites won’t be influenced. Each record incorporates every one of the highlights accessible with our Standard Web Hosting bundle. Our common facilitating workers have many underlying highlights like security, speed, reserving and that’s just the beginning. The advantages of every one of these highlights may give you a benefit over our VPS Hosting.
Building your own web hosting business is currently easy with OWS Reseller Hosting. Our versatile Linux Reseller Hosting plans enable you to form custom-built hosting plans with unmetered disc space and ample bandwidth. WHM/CPanel is bundled with each plan and provides an intuitive user interface to help you within the method of hosting websites, 1-click-install scripts and supporting customer.

Manage your Accounts
Create a New Account
Create a cPanel or reseller account. These accounts can manage domain and email.
List Account
View and manage all of the accounts on your server. This includes cPanel and reseller account.
Add a Package
Create a hosting plan(package). Packages determine the features and quotes for each account.
Reseller Center
View and manage reseller account on your server Reseller manage other cPanel accounts and can access cPanel
Transfer Tool
Easily transfer cPanel and reseller accounts from a remote cPanel & WHM server to this server
Backup Restoration
Restore cPanel or reseller accounts from your existing backup archives.
- Unlimited Domains
- Unlimited Database
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- 24/7 Expert Support
- Private Name Servers

- Ability to purchase Add-on cPanel Accounts
- cPanel Control Panel
- Redundant Systems
- One-click Script Installer
Manage your Servers
Process Manager
View and manage server's processes. This interface list all of your server's running processes.
Service Manager
View and manage a list of services and their domains
Show Current Disk Usage
View your server's current partition and hard disk usage.
Stress-Free Management
You will receive the the most secure hardware and software firewalls around due to its top security standards mean that let you and your client to stay stress-free
Spend Less, Earn More
Three flexible evaluation plans facilitate get your business off on the proper foot. As a result of you set the costs, the profit possibilities are up to you. Want additional resources? Feel free to upgrade to a different set up.
Brand Your Business
Make your mark by making a business front that’s entirely yours. White-labeled promoting tools, your alternative of CMS, and administrative access via WHM (cPanel) assist you get there.